MAY 15 - 17, 2024
Kyiv, Ukraine

About EDSD

Welcome to the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on EUROPEAN DIMENSIONS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (EDSD), an annual and highly-regarded event that delves into a diverse array of topics pertaining to the sustainable development of Europe. Our conference is dedicated to exploring economic, environmental, and social aspects of sustainability, as well as European studies on sustainability and cutting-edge technologies driving sustainable development.

The EDSD conference originated in conjunction with the esteemed ERASMUS+ projects of the National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine, including the Jean Monnet EU Centre for the Circular and Green Economy JM ECO (620627-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-CoE) and Jean Monnet Support to Associations EUforUA (611278-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-SUPPA). This foundation has been further strengthened by the backing of additional ERASMUS+ initiatives, such as the EU renewable energy strategy as a roadmap for Ukraine (101085755 – JM RE – ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH) and European Union policies and best practices in academic project management (101085243 – ProEU – ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH).

Our primary goal is to unite researchers, educators, and practitioners from various fields who share a common interest in sustainable development strategy and approaches. By fostering a platform for the exchange of research findings and ideas, we strive to encourage fruitful collaboration among scholars with diverse interests on an international scale.

Join us at the EDSD conference, where you’ll have the opportunity to engage in insightful discussions, stay updated on the latest trends and developments in the field, and broaden your network of like-minded professionals. We eagerly invite you to participate and look forward to the possibility of fruitful cooperation as we collectively pave the way towards a more sustainable future for Europe and beyond.

Organizing Committee of the International Conference on European Dimensions of Sustainable Development



Giritch, Anatoli, Ph.D., Nomad Bioscience, Germany

Kyrylenko, Sergiy, Ph.D., Sumy State University, Ukraine

Yakymenko, Igor, Ph.D., Dr.Sc., Prof., National University of Food Technologies, Ukraine


Members of the Organizing Committee:

Biedenkopf, Katja, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof., University of Leuven, Belgium
Dyman, Tetyana, Ph.D., Dr.Sc., Prof., Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Ukraine
Gubenia, Oleksii (managing editor), PhD, Assoc. Prof., National University of Food Technologies, Ukraine
Henshel, Diane, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof., Indiana University Bloomington, USA
Hrehirchak, Nataliia, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof., National University of Food Technologies, Ukraine
Kupiec, Michał, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof., Szczecin University, Poland
Kurochkin, Igor, Ph.D., Sysmex Co., Japan
Kuzminska, Olena, Ph.D., Dr.Sc., Assoc. Prof., National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Mitryasova, Оlena, Ph.D., Dr.Sc., Prof., Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Ukraine
Petrashko, Ludmila, Ph.D., Dr.Sc., Prof., Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, Ukraine

Pogorielov, Maksym, Ph.D., Dr.Sc., Prof., Sumy State University, Ukraine; University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
Rosa, Grażyna, Ph.D., Prof., Szczecin University, Poland
Salavor, Oksana, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof., National University of Food Technologies, Ukraine
Sebkova, Katerina, Ph.D., Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Shapovalov, Yevheniy, Ph.D., National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Shevchenko, Oleksandr, Ph.D., Dr.Sc., Prof., National University of Food Technologies, Ukraine
Skrotska, Oksana (secretary & managing editor), Ph.D., Assoc. Prof., National University of Food Technologies, Ukraine
Syvyk, Andrew, Ph.D., National Center for Therapeutics Manufacturing, USA
Tokarchuk, Serhii, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof., National University of Food Technologies, Ukraine
Voytenko Palgan, Yuliya, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof., Lund University, Sweden


Economic growth for sustainable development;
Environmental sustainability;
Social inclusion and public health;
Advanced technologies for sustainable development;
European studies for sustainable development;
Russian invasion of Ukraine as a threat to European sustainability;


Registration deadline: April 30, 2024
Abstract submission deadline: April 30, 2024
Optional: Full-text manuscript submission deadline: April 30, 2024
Actual dates of the conference: May 15-17, 2024


EDSD requires that every conference participant, whether a speaker or a listener, must register for the conference. We provide a user-friendly registration service for this process. Your registration is essential for the following purposes:

  • Personalizing your conference information bundle.
  • Collecting statistical information about session attendance, including social events, to facilitate proper resource planning.
  • Letting other conference participants know who you are to facilitate networking opportunities.

The registration form offers various options for participants:

  • Speakers with submission of the report abstract;
  • Speakers with submission of the abstract and full-text manuscript;
  • Listeners without submission of the abstract and manuscript.

Be aware that all participants registered as speakers and applying abstracts or full-text manuscript are expected to deliver their reports at the conference, in person or online.


Registration Fee:
We are delighted to announce that there is no registration fee for participants of the VI International Conference on European Dimensions of Sustainable Development, thanks to the financial support of the Erasmus+ projects and the National University of Food Technologies in Kyiv, Ukraine. Additionally, there is no fee for the publication of conference materials, including the Proceedings of the conference (abstract book) and the Selected Papers of the conference (full-text articles).


Deadline for registration, abstract, and full-text manuscript submission is April 30, 2024.


During the registration process, you will be asked to upload the abstract and full-text manuscript (optional). Please review the requirements for the abstract and manuscript in the description below and prepare the files before starting the registration if you plan to be a conference speaker.


Access the registration form through the REGISTRATION button below:



The topic of your report abstract should be relevant to one of the conference sections. Please indicate the name of the section at the upper right corner of the page. Abstracts should be prepared in English, using Microsoft Word, with one A4 page, and all fields set to 20 mm. Please use Times New Roman font size 12, line spacing of 1.15, and a paragraph indentation of 12.5 mm with alignment justified. The title of the abstract should reflect the main ideas/findings of your report (up to 20 words).


Indicate the full names of the author(s) and their affiliations/institutions, with an asterisk (*) next to the name of the speaker. Provide the speaker’s email address as well. For abstracts based on experimental work, you may use sections Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusions.

The abstract may include up to five references, with no more than one self-citation. The abstract should be precise and clear, avoiding general statements and obvious conclusions. The filename should be the (first) author’s surname. You can find the abstract template for further details:



If you submit the full-text manuscript, you should use the abstract of the manuscript for the abstract submission. Submit your abstract online through the registration
form. Use the registration form in the registration section or click on the abstract submission button below.


You may submit your conference report in form of an experimental or review article to be published in the annual Selected Papers of the International Conference on European Dimensions of Sustainable Development (Selected Papers of EDSD).


The manuscript should be submitted in English using the text editor Microsoft Word, with the following formatting: font – Times New Roman – 12, line spacing – 1.15, paragraph – 12.5 mm, all margins – 20 mm.


The title should be concise and informative, containing up to 20 words without abbreviations. Authors’ information should include the full name(s) of the author(s), their affiliation(s), city, and country. Designate one author as the corresponding author with their e-mail address.


At the end of the manuscript, clearly indicate any conflict of interest and any financial support for your research or a statement like this “There is no conflict of interest”.
Provide an abstract of 200-250 words at the beginning of the article. Following the abstract, provide a section for keywords, containing 4-5 relevant keywords.


Experimental articles should follow a standard structure with the sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, and References. Review articles may have sections according to the priorities defined by the authors. All references should be formatted according to the international APA style; see the manuscript template for details.


Number all pages consecutively. Define any abbreviations used in the text upon their first appearance, using them consistently thereafter. Avoid using abbreviations in the title and section headings. Please submit mathematical equations as editable text and not as images. It is recommended to use software applications such as MathType or Microsoft Equation Editor.


Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Table titles (above the tables), figure captions (below the figures), and table contents should be in 12-point font. Place tables and figures within the main text of the manuscript after the first reference to a table or figure.


The recommended length for an experimental article is about 5 pages, and for a review article, up to 10 pages (excluding references). In both types of articles, self-citations should not exceed 10% of the total references.


Compliance with formal requirements, principles of academic integrity, and scientific novelty (the manuscript must not be submitted to other academic journals) is mandatory. Be sure to provide clear citations and references to avoid potential plagiarism.


The name of the file must correspond to the surname of the first author.

You can find the manuscript template for further details :



Reviewing a Manuscript
All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed prior to publication. The Editor-in-Chief reviews the content of a newly submitted manuscript to the Selected Papers of EDSD to ensure it aligns with the journal’s scope. Additionally, the editor examines the article’s design, style, and illustrative materials to make an initial decision on whether to send it for peer review.
Once deemed suitable for peer review, the manuscript is sent to at least two academics appointed by the Editors’ Board / Organizing Committee of the conference. Typically, the reviewers include one member from the Editorial Board and one who is not affiliated with the Board.



Participants who have submitted abstracts and/or full-text manuscripts are expected to deliver their reports during the conference. The conference programme, indicating the time of your report delivery, will be sent to all participants before the event.

Oral reports (in person or online) are limited to a maximum of 10 minutes for the speech, accompanied by a slide show (presentation). The report may be delivered in

English or Ukrainian. The presentation should be prepared in English. Speakers are strongly advised to rehearse and confirm the timing of their presentation before the conference.

The first slide of the presentation should include the title of the report, the author(s), their affiliation(s), and the conference name & date. If the materials presented on the slides are not the speakers’ own data, proper references should be provided at the bottom of each slide.

The final slide of the presentation should summarize the conclusions of the report. While using figures and photos is encouraged, avoid excessive visual effects. Ensure that the text on the slides is well readable by using appropriate fonts and background colors.

After each report, a short question-and-answer (Q&A) session, lasting up to 3 minutes, will follow. Speakers are encouraged to respond concisely during the Q&A and leave more in-depth discussions for the end of the conference section.


Academic Ethics and COPE Compliance
The Organizing Committee and Editorial Office of this conference strictly adhere to the rules and regulations recommended for academic and scientific journals by COPE – the Committee on Publication Ethics. We consider these guidelines as crucial for maintaining the integrity of our everyday activities.
Guaranteeing Freedom of Expression and Academic Integrity
All editors, from the Editor-in-Chief to managing and guest editors, are responsible for ensuring authors a reasonable balance between freedom of expression and academic integrity.

Author Rights for Published Articles
Authors of published articles have the right to request retraction, publish an apology, clarification, and/or correction. The Editor is expected to support these intentions and may seek additional explanation before publishing such information.

Scope and Framework Evaluation
Editors are responsible for determining whether a potential submission aligns with the journal’s scope and framework. If the text does not fit, the decision should be communicated directly to the author(s) with an explanation and, optionally, a recommendation for alternative publication opportunities.

Transparency in Review Procedures
Editors are responsible for explaining the peer-review procedures to both authors and independent reviewers. Regular email notifications, at least once a year, should be sent to reviewers to remind them of the related rules and procedures.

Revision of Publishing Rules and Standards
Editors must conduct an annual revision of internal academic publishing rules and peer-review standards.

Non-Reversal of Decisions
New editors do not have the right to reverse the decisions made by previously employed editors unless an external complaint is filed regarding plagiarism or other academic misconduct.

Treatment of Critical Articles
Articles containing criticism of previously published works or presenting negative results should be treated equally to regular articles describing authors’ original results. These articles should also be subject to standard peer-review.

Plagiarism Detection and Reporting
In cases of detected plagiarism with sufficient evidence, editors have the right to contact the author’s employer, the Ministry of Science and/or Education in the related country, or other regulatory authorities to report the case of plagiarism.

External Reporting and Cooperation
If plagiarism is reported externally, editors are expected to fully cooperate and provide all necessary evidence, except for the names of reviewers involved in the case.

Retraction Notification to Databases and Libraries
Editors are responsible for informing international databases and online libraries in case of article retraction. However, they cannot control the timing of updates in the involved databases and libraries.

Advertising Policies
This conference refrains from advertising activities, with the exception of cases directly related to academic research, higher education, and other conferences within the journal’s scope. Published advertisements must adhere to the journal’s guidelines.

Conflict of Interest Resolution
All conflicts of interest should be resolved according to COPE regulations. Editors (or publishers on their behalf) are expected to follow similar cases described on the official COPE website when dealing with such situations.

Authorship Criteria
Authors should have made significant contributions to the conception or design of the work, or to the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the paper.
Authors should have been involved in drafting the paper or revising it critically for important intellectual content.
All authors must have given their final approval of the version of the paper to be published.
Authors must agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work and should actively ensure that any questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the paper are appropriately investigated and resolved.
The above authorship criteria recommended by ICMJE – the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors – should be strictly adhered to when submitting conference papers. It is essential to recognize and acknowledge the significant contributions of all authors involved in the research and preparation of the paper.

Appeals and Complaints
Appeal against Decision
If you wish to appeal the decision of the conference paper review process, please follow these guidelines:
Submit an appeal letter to the conference’s editorial office, clearly stating the basis for your appeal.
Explain the reasons for your disagreement with the decision and provide specific responses to any comments from the reviewers or editor that contributed to the rejection.
Include any new information or data that you believe should be considered in the reevaluation of your paper.
If you suspect technical errors in the reviewer’s assessment, provide evidence to support your claim.
If you believe a reviewer may have a conflict of interest, provide relevant evidence.
The Editor-in-Chief or Handling Editor will carefully review your appeal, along with the reviewer reports, and make one of the following decisions:
a. Uphold the original rejection decision.
b. Seek another independent opinion on your paper.
c. Consider the appeal and reconsider the decision.

Outcome Notification
The complainant will be informed of the decision made in response to the appeal, along with an explanation for the decision. Please note that the decision reached through the appeal process is final.

Handling Other Complaints
Organizing committee of the conference takes complaints against the Editorial, its staff, editorial board, publisher, reviewers, and others seriously. If you have concerns or complaints, you can contact the Editor with a detailed written description of the issue and provide supporting information at edsd@nuft.edu.ua

Complaint Investigation
Upon receiving your complaint, the Editor will acknowledge receipt and initiate an investigation. The complaints will be handled following the rules and guidelines set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for fair and transparent decision-making in each case. For more details on COPE’s guidelines, please refer to https://publicationethics.org/guidance/Case?classification=2773.

Conflicts of Interest
Authors are required to disclose any financial or personal interests directly or indirectly related to the work submitted for publication. This includes, but is not limited to, employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants or other funding.

Data Sharing and Reproducibility
After publication, authors have the freedom to share their work, including on third-party repositories, with the condition that they acknowledge its initial publication in the Selected Papers of EDSD.

Ethical Oversight Policy
The Selected Papers of EDSD follows the ethical oversight policy recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). This includes policies on consent to publication, research involving vulnerable populations, ethical conduct of research using animals and human subjects, handling confidential data, and ethical business/marketing practices. While the journal is committed to addressing appeals regarding the non-observance of ethical principles by authors, it does not cover research on humans and animals.

Ethics Approval for Studies
Authors must obtain ethics approval for all studies before conducting the research. The editorial office may request additional information, and the Editor, based on reviewer or expert decisions, may require an institutional or another professional ethics board’s conclusion.

Additions, Corrections, and Retractions
The EDSD Conference Papers adheres to the guidance provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) when addressing ethical concerns related to published articles, including matters concerning additions, corrections, and retractions.

Additions and Corrections
Additions and Corrections may be requested by the author(s) or initiated by the Editor to address significant issues, errors, or omissions that arise after the publication of an article. All Additions and Corrections must bring new and directly relevant information or correct scientific facts. Minor corrections and additions will not be published. The Editor’s approval is necessary for all Additions and Corrections.

Correction Process
Additions and Corrections must be made in the Design File of the Article, which is saved in the Editorial Office and provided to the responsible author upon request. Details of the correction should be described in a separate file. The corresponding author is responsible for obtaining approval from all coauthors before submitting the correction or providing evidence of solicited approval. The final decision on the correction is made by the Editor-in-Chief after analyzing the reasons provided.

Articles may be retracted for scientific or ethical reasons, either upon request by the article author(s) or at the discretion of the Editor(s). Retractions are considered when articles contain seriously flawed or erroneous data, making their findings and conclusions unreliable. Retracted articles are done to correct the scientific record. A notice of Retraction, including the reason for the Retraction, will be published. In exceptional circumstances, such as legal requirements or public health risks, the originally published article may be removed from online availability.

Identification and Handling of Allegations of Research Misconduct
The Selected Papers of EDSD takes research misconduct seriously. Research misconduct includes practices such as fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or any other serious deviation from commonly accepted academic standards for proposing, conducting, or reporting research, as defined by ORI – the Office of Research Integrity.

Preventing and Addressing Research Misconduct
The Editorial Office will take reasonable measures to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct, including plagiarism, citation manipulation, and data falsification/fabrication, has occurred. Neither the Journal nor its editors encourage or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place.

Dealing with Allegations
If the Editorial Office receives any allegation of research misconduct related to a published article, COPE’s guidelines will be followed in addressing the matter. In the case of suspicion or allegation of scientific misconduct or fraudulent research in manuscripts submitted for review, the Editor reserves the right to refer the manuscripts to the sponsoring or funding institution or other appropriate authority for investigation. The Publisher and Editor recognize their responsibility in considering suspicion of research misconduct but do not make determinations on such matters themselves.

Editorial Privacy Policy and GDPR Compliance:
The Organizing Committee and Editorial Office are dedicated to maintaining trustful relationships with all authors and reviewers. Our internal rules and code of conduct fully comply with the acting General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) policies.
The core provisions of our editorial privacy policy are as follows:

Confidentiality of Personal Data:
Editors directly communicating with authors, both current and potential, are responsible for strictly keeping all personal data provided by them confidential.

Non-Use of Personal Data for Private Purposes:
The Editorial Board and Editorial Office shall not use any personal data provided by authors and reviewers for private purposes, including solely research/academic-related activities such as customer surveys or marketing research.

Informed Consent for Surveys:
In case the Board or the editorial office plans to conduct a survey among authors and/or reviewers, individuals participating in it must be informed in advance and requested to provide signed permission.


Sharing Personal Information in Plagiarism Cases:
The Board and/or the editorial office may share personal information on authors solely in cases where plagiarism has been detected, and there is an ongoing formal investigation initiated by a third party.


Publication of Affiliation and Contact Email:
Authors’ work affiliation and contact email will be published on the introductory page of each article and are considered open-access data. If an author objects to having their email published, they should inform the editorial office once their text has been approved for publishing (after review results are available).


Global Consideration of Job Affiliation:
Authors’ job affiliation is considered an integral part of articles’ indexation in international databases, and therefore, it is treated as open-source data. All authors are encouraged to provide their formal affiliation during the text submission process.


Non-Disclosure of Personal Contact Information:
The Editorial Board and Editorial Office will never share personal contact information, including telephone numbers, emails, Skype names, etc., with any third parties, whether private or business entities.


Minimum Data Retention Period:
The minimum term for retaining any personal data is one calendar year from the day of the first contact. The editors reserve the right to delete any personal data on authors and/or reviewers earlier than one year if the text has not been approved for publication or if the reviewer is no longer cooperating with the editorial office.


Handling Technical Errors:
If any individual receives an email from the editorial office due to technical error or human mistake (e.g., typo in an email address), we kindly request them to delete the email as soon as possible and notify the sender immediately.


Request for Data Deletion:
If any individual wishes to have all their personal data deleted from our internal editorial records, they can contact our managing editor via email to request the removal of their data.

Copyright and Open Access License

Copyright and Indemnification
Authors submitting articles for publication affirm that their work does not infringe on any existing copyright. They agree to indemnify the publisher against any breach of this warranty. To facilitate dissemination and ensure proper monitoring of use, papers and contributions become the legal copyright of the publisher unless otherwise agreed.


Open Access License:
The following license will apply to the article: CC BY (Creative Commons Attribution License).
Under the CC BY license, others can distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the work, even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit the original creator. This license is highly accommodating and recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials.


Application of CC-BY License:
The publisher will apply the Creative Commons Attribution Works 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY) to the article for publication in the journal on an Open Access basis. Authors retain the rights to their work while allowing broader accessibility and use under the CC BY license. For further details, please refer to the Open access options page for the journal.


Dear colleagues

We are delighted to invite you to join our esteemed group of potential reviewers for the Selected Papers of International Conference on European Dimensions of Sustainable Development, an annual peer reviewed academic publications.

The conference aims to address critical issues related to sustainable development in Europe and foster innovative research in various domains such as Climate Change, Renewable Energy, Circular Economy, Biodiversity, Urban Development, Social Equity, and Policy Analysis.

As a potential reviewer, your expertise and insights are invaluable in ensuring the high quality and credibility of the conference’s selected papers. Your thorough evaluation and constructive feedback will significantly contribute to shaping the future of sustainable development in the European context.

To register as a potential reviewer, please take a moment to complete the online registration form using the following link:


National University of Food Technologies,

Str. Volodymyrska, 68

Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine


Secretary of Organizing Committee / Managing Editor:

Oksana Skrotska, PhD

E-mail: edsd@nuft.edu.ua

Phone: +38 044 287 9823

Mobile: +38 098 958 2007